"Requested_prod_id","Requested_GTIN(EAN/UPC)","Requested_Icecat_id","ErrorMessage","Supplier","Prod_id","Icecat_id","GTIN(EAN/UPC)","Category","CatId","ProductFamily","ProductSeries","Model","Updated","Quality","On_Market","Product_Views","HighPic","HighPic Resolution","LowPic","Pic500x500","ThumbPic","Folder_PDF","Folder_Manual_PDF","ProductTitle","ShortDesc","ShortSummaryDescription","LongSummaryDescription","LongDesc","ProductGallery","ProductGallery Resolution","ProductGallery ExpirationDate","360","EU Energy Label","EU Product Fiche","PDF","Video/mp4","Other Multimedia","ProductMultimediaObject ExpirationDate","ReasonsToBuy","Bullet Points","EPREL ID","Spec 1","Spec 2","Spec 3","Spec 4","Spec 5","Spec 6","Spec 7","Spec 8","Spec 9","Spec 10","Spec 11","Spec 12","Spec 13","Spec 14","Spec 15","Spec 16","Spec 17","Spec 18","Spec 19","Spec 20","Spec 21","Spec 22","Spec 23" "","","330567","","NETGEAR","WPN824 & WPN111","330567","","موجهات لاسلكية","3982","","","RangeMax™ Wireless Router & RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter","20221021101432","ICECAT","","112956","https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/330567-8496.jpg","384x305","https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/low/330567-8496.jpg","https://images.icecat.biz/img/gallery_mediums/img_330567_medium_1480937827_8977_26422.jpg","https://images.icecat.biz/thumbs/330567.jpg","","","NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless Router & RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter موجه لاسلكية","","NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless Router & RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, 2 VPN end-to-end tunnels (IPSec), WPA-PSK, Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS), Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 64-bit,128-bit..., 500 غرام, Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Mac OS, NetWare, UNIX, or Linux","NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless Router & RangeMax™ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter. مقاييس الشبكة: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, دعم الشبكات الخاصة الافتراضية VPN: 2 VPN end-to-end tunnels (IPSec). دعم خوارزميات الحماية: WPA-PSK, جدار ناري للحماية: Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS), Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 64-bit,128-bit.... الوزن: 500 غرام. انظمة التشغيل المتوافقة: Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Mac OS, NetWare, UNIX, or Linux, الأبعاد (العرضx العمقx الارتفاع): 223 x 153 x 31 ملم, معدلات نقل البيانات المدعومة: 10/100","","https://images.icecat.biz/img/norm/high/330567-8496.jpg","384x305","","","","","","","","","","","","الشبكات","مقاييس الشبكة: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g","دعم الشبكات الخاصة الافتراضية VPN: 2 VPN end-to-end tunnels (IPSec)","الأمن","دعم خوارزميات الحماية: WPA-PSK","جدار ناري للحماية: Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS), Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 64-bit,128-bit encryption, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA, Pre-Shared Key), Wireless Access Control (SSID)","تفقد حزمة الحالة (SPI): نعم","منع هجوم DoS (تجميد المخدم بسبب طلبات هائلة): نعم","ترشيح: نعم","ترشيح عناوين تحكم الوصول للوسائط MAC: نعم","دعم ""منطقة ادارة البيانات"" DMZ: نعم","ترجمة عنوان الشبكة (NAT): نعم","الوزن والأبعاد","الوزن: 500 غرام","مزايا أخرى","انظمة التشغيل المتوافقة: Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Mac OS, NetWare, UNIX, or Linux","الأبعاد (العرضx العمقx الارتفاع): 223 x 153 x 31 ملم","معدلات نقل البيانات المدعومة: 10/100","الحد الادنى للمواصفات: - Broadband (cable, DSL) Internet service and\nmodem with Ethernet connection\n- 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g wireless adapter.\nAlternatively, an Ethernet adapter and cable for\neach computer\n- Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape 4.7 or higher\n-We Recommend using this product with the\nWPN111, WPN311, or WPN511 RangeMax\nWireless Adapters","الحد الاقصى لسرعة نقل البيانات: 0,1 جيغابايت في الثانية","سرعة نقل البيانات: 108 ميجابيت ثانية","عرض النطاق الترددي: 2,4 جيغاهرتز","منافذ الادخال الاخراج: 5 x 10/100 (1 Internet and 4 LAN) network ports with auto-sensing technology"